Circle Of Sisters LIVE Returns – Here’s What You Missed

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What a Weekend!!

The WBLS Family traveled to Jamaica, Queens at Resorts World this weekend for 3 days of dancing, love, education, and shopping! It was our first time having a live Circle of Sisters since 2019 and we were sure glad to see your faces again!

We kicked off the celebration on Saturday with our Circle of Sisters Day Party!

Some of our loyal fans packed Bar 360 to an afternoon of dancing and refreshments. DJ Red Alert, Miss ID, and DJ S0-1 kept the energy moving all day with their mixes as Deja Vu made a surprise appearance to the enjoyment of the audience.

This led us into a wonderful two-day experience with a variety of panels, activations, vendors that sold pieces such as art, clothing, candles, accessories, wine, and much more!

Below are some key highlights from the weekend!

“It’s about getting started so you have something to perfect”

It all began with the kenynote speaker, the wonderful Dr. Stacie NC Grant and Liz Black who hosted an exclusive inspirational brunch that left the audience ready to go out and conquer their dreams and aspirations.

The first surprise of the day came as Deja Vu gave her her flowers with the Queen of Inspiration award for her leadership in the community energizing with her words.

As the room filled up to become inspired with the words of Dr. Grant, our event room opened up to a group of loyal fans of WBLS and Circle of Sisters.

The party was going with Deja Vu and her Queens of Hustle panel!

DJ S-1 had the center floor going crazy with the first ever silent party at Circle of Sisters!

Sherri Shepherd was honest about trusting your journey and finding your purpose in life!

Things got controversial as Lenny Green and LaDawn Black hosted the Brothers Speaking Up & Speaking Out panel!

K. Michelle decided to grace the crowd with an up close and personal performance!

Praise with Bishop Hezekiah Walker!

An IMPORTANT conversation woth Tamika Mallory, Samson Styles and more on gun violence in our communities.

The Cast Of “A Wesley Christmas” Came Out, had a conversation with Liz Black and left with some moves!

Wendy Williams Makes Her First Public Appearance Since Announcement Of Her Podcast!

All this and SO much more went down at Circle of Sisters this weekend! Stay tuned for more updates!