LeBron James’ I Promise School Responds to Poor Test Scores”

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LeBron James’ I Promise school in Akron, Ohio responds to recent scrutiny behind reports, first published by the Akron Beacon Journal of poor test results.

 A LeBron James Family Foundation spokesperson responded to reports that the upcoming class of eighth graders hadn’t passed the math portion of their state proficiency exam in three years.  

The school asserted it’s commitment to improvement and student success.

A representative told Complex Monday, “Because this work requires a long-term commitment, hard work, and a lot of love and care. And that’s what we bring each and every day because the I Promise School is more than a school.” 

Newly appointed principal Stephanie Davis added “Our students have not yet met the grade-level mastery mark but they are demonstrating growth based on iReady scores. Of our incoming 8th graders, 32% met their annual typical growth in reading while 11% met their stretch goal for the year. Despite not mastering the grade-level standards, 42% of students demonstrated growth in iReady math across their 7th grade school year.”

Notably at the time of the School’s struggles was the COVID-19 pandemic that forced schools across the country to quickly adapt. I Promise first opened up it’s doors in 2018 with the goal to dedicate it’s resources to lower-performing students and students with learning disabilities. 

The state gave the school a one star out of five in its most recent report card. Despite reports of low test scores, Davis keeps enthusiasm for the future.

“When working with students who are achieving below grade level, growth is as important as a measure of progress as proficiency. And the type of growth that is important to us is not made overnight. It takes time.”