Torrei Hart Defends Touring With Katt Williams

Torrei Hart has opened up about the rumor that Katt Williams invited her on tour to spite her ex-husband, Kevin Hart.

In a conversation with with TMZshe discussed the upcoming tour and mentioned that his reasoning for brining her on tour has nothing to do with Hart. She made sure to note that her and Williams “have history,” outside of the feud. She then questioned why he would resort to getting under her exes skin.

“We’re so close to the point that Katt has babysit my dog,” she said about her relationship with Williams.

Later in the conversation she was asked if she would go on tour with her ex in the future.

“He’s my baby daddy,” she said in repsonse. “Of course, why wouldn’t I?”

She then clarified that if it were to happen, he would have to “set that up.”

Kevin Hart also shared a few words with the outlet previously about his ex’s involvement with Willaims’ comedy tour.

“I want everybody to win,” he said. “I hope the tour is great.”