Florida School Bans First Grader From First Day of Class Because of His Hair

Photo Credit: Screenshot/Washington Post

Six-year-old Clinton Stanley Jr. was turned away from Apopka, F.L.’s A Book’s Christian Academy last week after administrator’s said his hair went against school policy.

Stanley Jr.’s father was told his son couldn’t enter his classroom because he wore dreadlocks to school.

Chocked by the school’s actions, Stanley Sr. said, “My son just got told he cannot attend this school with his hair. If I don’t – if that’s not bias, I don’t know what is. Personal opinion.”

A Book’s Christian Academy’s administrator, Sue Book, told the Washington Post that her institution has been “educating children in the Orlando suburbs since 1971…and at no point in those 47 years has any boy been allowed to have long hair in class.”

Book attempted to explain the situation by saying, “I still have the same rules I always had,” Book said. “The girls wear skirts, the boys wear trousers, hair above their ears and off their collars.”


While this incident is unacceptable, some are not surprised as Sue Book’s husband is Rev. John Butler Book, who’s a southern fundamentalist reverend who values the old days when women had to wear dresses and skirts, according to the Post.

Stanley Sr., has since pulled his son out of A Book’s Christian Academy and registered in another school where’s his son is welcomed as he is.