Steph Curry Helps Raise Over $20K for Nia Wilson’s Family

Photo Credit: Steve Jennings/Getty Images

Lebron James isn’t the only athlete making a difference in the community these days. Steph Curry just stepped up to the plate and helped raise over $21,000 for the family of Nia Wilson, who was recently stabbed to death at a BART station in Oakland, Calif. 

Curry hosted his SC30 Select Basketball Showcase on Tuesday (Aug. 7), which featured some of the top high school basketball players in the country. While live streaming the event to more than 78,000 Facebook users. 

Before tip-off, the Golden State warrior introduced Ansar Mohammed and Letifah Wilson, Nia Wilson’s father and sister, and made a statement saying, “I’m sure everybody is aware of the tragedy, the loss we’ve had in the Bay Area recently, with the life of Nia Wilson. It was a senseless tragedy that should not have happened. We want to use this game to dedicate to your family, to show how much we appreciate you guys for fighting through this loss.”

The showcase was held in San Francisco and highlighted top Bay Area athletes, but Curry invited the entire country help the cause by saying, “Everybody who’s watching at home on the live stream on Facebook, please hit the ‘Donate’ button.”

All donations have gone to Nia Wilson’s family.

By: Brandon Mariano