Erica Campbell Opens Up About Having Suicidal Thoughts as a Kid

Photo Credit: Earl Gibson III/Getty

In the latest episode of We’re the Campbells, Erica discusses some of her battles growing up as a kid. Not only did she shock the viewers, but her husband Warren was caught by surprise as she comes clean about the demons in her past.

“I remember when I was twelve, we were living in Inglewood and I tried to kill myself. Something was telling me, ’Just slice your wrists in the kitchen.’”

Thankfully, she didn’t do it and adds it was her faith in the Lord that helped.

“I heard that voice, but thank God for that prayer that was going on in that house because I knew not to do that. Now I know it was the enemy trying to take my life even as a young girl.”

She continues:

“But I don’t think I’ve ever told anybody. I don’t think I’ve shared that.”

Check out the clip below: