Todd Dulaney On Finding His Way Back To Jesus, His New EP, & Honoring Singer Ashley Hardin

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Gopsel artist Todd Dulaney speaks with our very own Liz Black about his latest EP “The Journey: Live.”

Dulaney explains how he struggled to build his relationship and connection back with God after the pandemic. The singer gave his testimony on how the pandemic really made him a different person but once he was able to bounce back, he doesn’t move without the Holy Spirit.

He went on to speak about his EP and how he prefers to do live recordings instead of studio recordings because there is a difference in the atmosphere. He also talked about the song “I Lift My Eyes,” which is a tribute to a former singer of his, Ashely Hardin.

The singer explained that Hardin was tragically murdered by her boyfriend, causing her to leave behind three children.

Check out the entire interview now.