COS Success: Monique Latise, The First Black Woman To Own A Comedy Club In NJ

More Road To COS…

Monique Latise opened up one of the first black comedy clubs in New Jersey.

Monqiue’s upbringing morphed her into the successful and hilariously talented comedian she is today. Raised by a single mother, becoming a single mother, and watching her son get incarcerated, she has had her share of shortcomings but she didn’t let that stop her.  She set herself a challenge to become the top female comedian in the world. “I gave myself a goal, something to believe in,” Latise said.

The successful comedian’s vision, when opening Monique Latise Comedy Club, was to create a place where “people can come to laugh, let their hair down, and be around good in Paterson.”

“There’s still hope in Paterson,” Latise said. “I believe in the city that gave me my creativity, my artistry.”

Join Monique at this year’s Circle of Sisters. as she gives a virtual experience of her comedy space, opens up about her career journey, and more!

COS is an annual tradition for more than 20,000 Sisters where they build community, have celebrity encounters, create engaging workshops, watch empowering panels, and show all day in our curated marketplace. Due to COVID-19 concerns, we are going virtual and bringing this experience to your phone or computer- going down Friday and Saturday, November 20-21, 2020.
Get your tickets TODAY.