Malinda Williams Starts A New Coding Bootcamp For Women Attending HBCUs

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Malinda Williams is taking her business ventures to another level.

The actress recently launched a new coding bootcamp called the E.S.T.E.A.M Project for women who are attending HBCUs. According to reports, applications to be a part of the bootcamp are open until March 31, 2024. For the selected students, the program will run from May 30,2024 to June 2, 2024 at Jackson State University.

The press release states that Williams’ Arise And Shine Foundation in partnership with this initiative is focused on “upskilling core competencies in technology, fine-tuning soft skills for business success, and facilitating connections for industry mentorships.”

The goal of this program is to help women learn valuable coding and technical skills as well as creating a space for women to support each other through collaborations and learning.

“As a professional actress and someone who has experienced first-hand the support of my community, I understand the value of collaboration and paying it forward,” Williams said in the press release. “The Arise And Shine Foundation exists to empower women to reach their goals and coding is a powerful tool – it is the language of the future. The E.S.T.E.A.M. Project will offer young women an avenue to acquire valuable skills to propel them forward in the 21st century.”

Jackson State University President Marcus L. Thompson added, “We are delighted to join forces with Malinda Williams and the Arise and Shine Foundation, Inc., to serve as the host institution for the launch of the E.S.T.E.A.M. Project.”

He continued, “The future breakthroughs that our world needs are intertwined with careers in science, engineering, math, technology and the arts. Therefore, it is our honor to help facilitate an event where the power of Hollywood will combine with the type of research excellence that Jackson State University promotes for young women.”